Our Businesses

Sarawak ITP Certification

Eucalyptus Pellita at Segan LPF
Eucalyptus Pellita at Segan LPF


ITPs established in areas converted from natural forests after 31 December 2010 are usually not eligible for certification. The Forest Department of Sarawak requires that all eligible areas must be certified by 2025.

Segan LPF/0014 was first certified in July 2014, the eligible part of Lana LPF/0006 was certified in May 2017 and that of Marudi LPF/0008 in January 2019. Kuala Baram LPF/0004 was certified in December 2022 and Paong LPF/0021 was certified in March 2024.


There is a public summary for each of the forest plantation management plans for the MTCS certified industrial tree plantations (ITP) held under licence by the Samling Timber Malaysia.

The public summary for Samling ITPs certified under the PEFC endorsed MTCS may be viewed by clicking the relevant link below:

The key components of a public summary are as follows:

Forest management objectives

  • To implement sustainable industrial tree plantation management practices that are in compliance with the Malaysian Criteria & Indicators for Sustainable Forest. Management (MC&I SFM) of the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS)
  • To establish and manage industrial tree plantations primarily for the production of peeler and saw logs.
  • To reduce the environmental impact of harvesting primarily by using well planned skyline systems.
  • To implement research and development activities that will improve stand quality and monitor growth performance; improve - by selective tree breeding - resistance to the effects of pests and disease; monitor the incidence of pests and disease; monitor and reduce environmental impacts and enhance operational efficiency.

Economic objectives

  • To maximise economic returns through cost efficient forest operations.
  • To add economic value through the supply of plantation logs for the production of plywood, sawn timber, semi-finished products, furniture, fibreboard and wood pellets.

Conservation and protection objectives

  • To protect the forest plantation from pests, diseases and encroachment.
  • To establish and protect a network of river buffer zones.
  • To maintain, and where possible enhance the habitats of any rare, threatened and endangered species.

Socio-economic objectives

  • To provide employment opportunities for local communities.
  • To support FDS in encouraging communities in the FMUs and LPFs to form Community Representative Committees (CRC) and  to establish Joint Consultative Committees (JCC) for our employees. The CRCs and JCCs are mechanisms for conflict management and resolution of grievances and complaints. 


The terms of the Natural Resources and Environment Board’s (NREB) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) certificate requires that Environmental Monitoring Reports (EMR) are prepared by approved third party CBs who will at the same time undertake river water quality monitoring.  This is normally done quarterly from a number of predetermined water sampling locations.

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